Studying: This Is My Life Now

What did I do last Friday, you may ask? Homework.

What did I do on Saturday, you will most likely ask again? Homework.
And what did I do on Sunday afternoon? I don't think I even need to tell you.

In one of my classes today I was told that the average American watches 8 hours of TV a day. Oh my goodnesshow do they even find the time.

I just can't even comprehend it. (Okay, I can. I too lived that lifestyleonce.) But the tides have turned my friends─the tides have turned.

Thankfully I'm someone who appreciates a good book (though you might argue that many of my textbooks aren't necessarily what you'd consider a "good read") and I actually quite enjoy writing, so I can't say this whole college thing is really all that bad.

But I will say that my life today compared to my life three weeks ago is very, very differenton so many levels. Many of them are very good differences (non academic related) that I appreciate very much, but studying isn't exactly at the top of the list.

When I'm not studying, you can probably find me...

a) sleeping 
Or trying to.

b) eating dinner in the caf 
I'm a slow eater and I have a bad? habit of talking to people for extended periods of time. I like to consider meal time my study break.

c) working 
Thankfully at a circulation desk, so I can study while at work. (Which I'm doing right now!)

d) reading scripture & journaling 
It took time to settle into routine with this due to the schedule difference from high school life to college, but I think I've got things figured out now.

e) hanging out with friends
Okay, I'm pretty much with friends all day. And I love it. The sad part is that more often than not we're just sitting in one another's presence, doing homework and such, but at least we're together. And I will admit that there are plenty of times we hang out for the sole purpose of being with one another to talk and laugh and enjoy one another's company, no studying involved whatsoever.

f) blogging!
Or asking people what I should blog about. I really like this blog and I really like the fact that I've been able to find the time to write new blog posts. (Okay, so maybe studying isn't my WHOLE life now.)

And there you have it. This is my life now.

But I love it.

I love the people I've met─the friendships I've made. 
I love conversations
praise & worship
the campus
my dorm room (even when it's hotter than ha heat wave)
new ideas
new information
getting to know people
walks late at night
and talks late at night
warm cookie Wednesday
well-deserved grades
sob-fests with friends
five minute karaoke jams
cooking parties
free food around the dorm
dressing up (we'll see how long that lasts)
homemade scotcharoo bars
midnight donut runs
and sometimes─every so often─the material that I'm studying too.

[Interested in reading more? Check out the Blog Archive to the right to find links to my other posts.]

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