Is My First Semester Of College Really Over?

Well my friends, I have officially completed the first semester of my freshman year of college. Dang─that went fast. That went really fast. I can't believe it was only four months ago that I packed my bags and moved in on campus. 

Awwww. Would you just look at those naive and innocent freshman?

Before move-in day I had a few assumptions as to what my experience would be like. I can attribute this partially to what I was told in the months leading up to it:

You'll make so many great friends. 
These will be the best four years of your life. 
But don't forget, there will be a lot of studying.
Oh Jamie─you're going to love it.

College is hard, I'll give you that. There is homework to do and material to study. It's basically an ongoing cycle of completing the next to-do item on the list. BUT. I love it. I absolutely love it.

I honestly didn't know I would love it this much. I mean, I was hoping I'd enjoy it. I was sure I'd enjoy it. But love? Love is a strong word, but I say it with confidence.

I love collegefor so many reasons.

Now I'd like to play a little game called Never Have I Ever...

Never before have I experienced such great friendships as the ones I've found at Northwestern. I don't even remember meeting my friends. It just seems natural─it feels like they've been in my life forever. Christmas break is great, but I'll be honest─it's going to be hard not to see them everyday.

This photo was taken just two days after I met these girls. Looking back, I had no idea how much they'd come to mean to me.

Never before have I had so much freedom. Okay, I had a lot of freedom in high school, but in college it's different. In college you don't have to tell your parents when you're going out to do things. (This is the part of the post where my parents start to question what I haven't told them. Don't worry, nothing bad.)

Never before have I been forced to share a room with a complete stranger. When it came to rooming, I went with the luck of the draw─and I'm so glad I did. Not to brag or anything, but my roommate is awesome. We may have been strangers the first night, but now we're just two peas in a pod. I'd like to give a special shout-out to the admissions counselors who thought we'd be compatible. (We are!)

Never before have I stayed up so late. I'm not a night-owl. Well, at least I wasn't a few months ago. You could say I've learned to adapt to the environment around me.

Never before have I studied so much. Seriously. Every day. Almost all day. One class after the other. At least I'm getting a good education, right? (Just trying to be positive here.)

Never before have I had so many jobs. (Odd jobs included.) I started first semester with one job: working at the circulation desk in the library. Halfway through I started calling for admissions, and every once in awhile I would babysit or write articles for the campus newspaper, The Beacon. Next semester I'll add student assistant to my resume and pick up another odd job for someone in town.

Never before have I laughed so much. If you knew the girls who I live with, you'd understand. They too are some of the best individuals I have ever met.

Never before have I learned what it truly means to share. After sharing a bathroom with almost twenty other girls for nearly four months, I've come to realize that I just have to let the little things go. The counter is not always going to be spotless. The shower isn't always going to look as nice as home. It's a win-win I suppose─I'm learning life lessons along the way.

Never before have I...had a boyfriend. Okay people, I had to include this one in here. I don't want to get all sappy or anything, because that's not who I am, but this guy means a lot to me. He really means a lot to me. We met the second day of orientationand the rest is history.

Yeah, we're pretty cute together─thanks for noticing.

Never before have I been so thankful I chose Northwestern. Here's to the next three and a half years.

[Interested in reading more? Check out the Blog Archive to the right to find links to my other posts.]

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