Meet Tyressa

I made a new friend the other day. Her name is Tyressa.

We didn't really hit it off right away, but I'm beginning to appreciate her for who she really is. She doesn't talk that much, so you never really notice her, but the thing is─she's ALWAYS THERE.

Sometimes she's just hanging out in the bathroom. And when that's the case, she's in there all day. Literally.

Other times she's just chillin in the hallway. But more often than not, she's meddling in places where she ought not be meddling. Like my bed. Under the covers. On my pillow.

So here's the story...

It was a little after midnight and I was going to bed like I usually do. I turned off the lights and maneuvered up to my lofted bed (with assistance from my mini fridge.) I didn't think anything of it, cause─you know─I was just going to bed.

Well, I pulled back the covers and BOOM─Tyressa. 

So ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to Tyressa. Apparently she's got quite the dirty little reputation on my dorm's wing. And she's quite the traveler as well! 

She even has her own Facebook page! You should check it out, I promise you won't regret it. It's called The Adventures of Tyressa.

Tyressa likes to hide in mini fridges because it's so hot in the dorm. (We don't have air-conditioning.) She also likes to hide behind the window blinds and in the shower.

So there you have it─Tyressa. She's pretty neat.

Let me know if you have any ideas as to where I should hide her for others to discover!

[Interested in reading more? Check out the Blog Archive to the right to find links to my other posts.]

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