Welcome To My Second Home, The Library

I have been attempting to study for forty minutes now. I'm just not feeling it today. (Ha─when am I ever feeling it?)

So instead of just sitting here, blindly scrolling through Facebook or Pinterest, I have decided to inform you all of a very lovely place that is now ever so near and dear to my heart:

The Library.

More specifically, Northwestern College's Learning Commons Library.

The library and I have seen a lot of each other these past few weeks. I guess you could say we're pretty tight. I even have a favorite stall in each bathroom, but you probably didn't need to know that.

Please humor yourself and read on as to why I love this place so much.

1) It's quiet here.
The thing about the dorms is that if there's noise, there's usually just one source of noise. For some reason, that bothers me a whole lot more than multiple sounds from multiple sources. When there's a lot going on around me, I'm able to push it all to the back of my mind and ignore it. However, when there's only one direct distraction, it usually takes over my every thought and I CAN'T IGNORE IT.

2) There are people here.
If I'm studying in the same vicinity as other people, (opposed to the seclusion of my room) that means I'm not antisocial, right?

3) I work here.
Okay, ya caught me. Now you know why I'm here all the time. (Actually, I usually work for an hour and then stay here doing homework until dinner.)

4) There's a coffee shop in here!
I haven't taken advantage of it yet, but if there ever comes a point in which I am near starvation, I know that options are close by.

5) There are big windows and lots of trees outside.
Sometimes you just need to stare out the window and watch the squirrels chase each other. (Very relaxing when the homework's just too overwhelming.) Other times you might actually see some students chasing each other.

6) There are books in here.
You probably wouldn't have known that fact if I hadn't told you. Well, I suppose there's a good chance you might have guessed it.

I happen to really like reading books, so you can imagine how happy I am to be near them all day. Sadly I haven't had the time to free read for a little over a month now.

7) Many of my friends study here too.
It's a bonding moment really, when you're sitting next to a friend doing homework. The work's got to get done, so you might as well do it with a buddy.

[Interested in reading more? Check out the Blog Archive to the right to find links to my other posts.]

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