Watch Out Fern 3rd South─I'm Gonna Be Your RA

Okay guys, I have an exciting announcement to make. (Granted you read the title, so I'm assuming you already know.)

I'm excited to announce that in August of 2016 I will begin my role as the RA of Fern 3rd South!

What's an RA, my non-college friends and family might be asking? 
OkI'll be honestI can't really give you a word-for-word job description, but I can give you a general idea.
In my eyes, a devoted Resident Assistant is basically the mother of the wing. As a friend and fellow RA once told me, she's the mother, pastor, therapist, counselor, and friend all at the same time. She's the one residents can come to talk with and share what's on their heart. She's the one that plans events and opportunities for girls on the wing to connect. In my eyes, she is the one intentionally fostering community on the wing.

Please take my brief description with a grain of salt because A) I haven't started the job yet and B) I honestly couldn't list for you every little thing every RA does. It all depends on the RA, the residents on their wing, and what the job looks like person to person.

So in honor of the 16 weeks between now and my first day on the job, and in the midst of my excitement for all that's ahead, I've compiled for you a list of a few of the things that I'm excited about.

Here are 16 things I'm looking forward to next year in my role as Resident Assistant:

1) Meeting the freshmen & getting to know all the girls on my wing!

2) Getting to work with all my fellow RAs!

3) Making a fool of myself with everything the Resident Life Staff forces me to do. (Starting with dancing in the caf next week.)

4) Living with the best roommate/devotional-group leader in the whole wide world.

5) Having a microwave in my room. (Don't be jealous my non-RA friends.)

6) Decorating the wing before school starts.

7) Having the authority to kick boys out of the dorm room after hours. (Just kidding─please don't put me in that situation.)

8) Planning events for the wing.

9) Hosting movie nights in my dorm room.

10) Taking the girls on my wing to my house for dinner.

11) Spending one-on-one time chatting over coffee with wing mates.

12) Holding hands with my crying freshman their first week. (Only partly kidding with that one.)

13) Yelling Politely asking people to be quiet after hours.

14) Getting my weekly exercise in walking through the halls when on duty.

15) Keeping the wing white board up-to-date with all the happenings on campus.

16) Taking care of things that no one else seems to want to do. (Like changing the roll of toilet paper COME ON PEOPLE.)

Am I Excited?

Yes. That answer would be a resounding yes.

Watch out Fern 3rd SouthI'm gonna be your RA.

[Interested in reading more? Check out the Blog Archive to the right to find links to my other posts.]

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