Sophomore Year Is Moving So Fast!

Hello friends!

It seems that I've neglected this little blog of mine for almost two months now. I suppose it's about time I spiced things up again. Why not start with a little update on my first few months of sophomore year?

Coming back to campus was, in one word, refreshing. (You can read more about that in my last post, Sophomore Year Has Started!) It was refreshing to see good friends again, to reunite with the campus community, and of course to once again experience life in the dorm.

As you might know, I'm a Resident Assistant in Fern Smith Hall this year. The whole resident life staff came to campus two weeks early, prepared as best as we could for the coming year, and then jumped right into things.

I've gotta say─I love this job a lot.

Essentially, my role consists of living life with the women on my wing. We eat meals together, study together, share a living space, laugh with one another, and just walk this journey of life together. I've been blessed to be part of this community.

Whether it's a movie night, studying together, or hanging out in the dorm and talking, there's always something (or someone...) to laugh about.

Here are just a few highlights:

Family Dinner!

Over Labor Day Break I hosted a few friends over for dinner at my house after church. Nothing out of the ordinary went down, but Alli and I took a swing at grilling the meat, so that's pretty neat. (Of course we had to dress in our finest for the occasion.)

Fern Mario Kart

Back in September, our residence hall hosted an event called Fern Mario Kart. Leading up to the night of the race, my wing decorated two cardboard boxes to resemble Toad. The night of, we gathered our troops together and rounded a few volunteers from the wing to run the course and "drive" the boxes. Just like Mario Kart, there were 4 rounds. Special shout out to the girls who ran─it was an intense race!

The RA's all dressed up as referees to ensure a nice, clean race. (Or something like that.) In all actuality, we were told to throw obstacles at the runners. I know it sounds a little harsh, but it was nothing bad, don't worry. Just a few inflatable toy fish and a couple random articles of clothing.

On the last round we wandered around the race track, pretending to be the cows from Moo-Moo Meadows. Those girls running the race were so determinedI was a little worried I would get mowed over.

After our evening of racing, we were able to crown one team the champions.

At the end of the day does it really matter who won?


Not that I'm trying to brag or anything, but my wing got first place. That was definitely a proud RA moment for me. (You'd better believe we hung that printed off 1st place ribbon on our designated "Wall of Fame".)


Such a glorious night.

For some unknown reason, I came into the school year with a desire to participate in Airband. (Airband is a lip-syncing battle on campus.) My roommate Alli was on board right away, so every once in awhile she would throw out song suggestions or ideas, but we never managed to settle on a plan.

As the date of the competition got closer, we talked with girls on the wing, and quite a few were interested in participating as well. So with group collaboration, and a love for The Sound of Music, we came up with our act...The 3rd South Family Singers!

It's hard to adequately describe all that we did, so I'll try to summarize it below:

Basically, there were 7 nuns. The show started out with 4 "good" nuns, 1 rebel nun (Maria!), and the 2 girls in Maria's posse. As the good nuns sang "How do you solve a problem like Maria", the music suddenly changed, and Maria and her posse came barging in to spice things up. And spice things up they did. The sass was real that night. As the dance-off between the good nuns and Maria's gang progressed, one of the "good" nuns joined Maria's posse, and two of the others found themselves hopping back and forth between the groups, trying to justify joining Maria. By the end, everyone was dancing with Maria and her gang, including the Mother Nun, who had been trying to keep order the whole time.

Confused? Good.

This was a night of so much laughter (and also nervousness beforehand!), it's definitely a memory I'll cherish forever.

And there you have it!

A brief run-down of the happenings in my life this semester.

Hopefully I'll make the time to sneak in a few more posts before January.

[Interested in reading more? Check out the Blog Archive to the right to find links to my other posts.]

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