What It's Like To Have The Worst Roommate Ever

If there is one thing I've learned in my first six months of college, it is that no two rooming situations are the same.

Some people are placed with a random roommate whom they've never met, and the two click right away. Some people choose to room with their best friend and it doesn't quite turn out as expected. Some roommates transfer within the first week and the other finds themselves with an empty room of their own.

Situations vary room to room, and friendships differ pair to pair. I can't fully give justice to every situation─because I've only ever had one roommate─but I can give justice to my own.
And in that sense, I feel adequately equipped to attempt at explaining the situation completely opposite my own.

For all those wondering individuals out there, I do not in fact have the worst roommate ever. In my opinion, I have the best roommate ever.

With that said, I will attempt to explain what it's like to have the worst roommate ever.

[Special shout-out to my loving roommate Al-Pal who has so graciously agreed to let me expose her good and not-so-good habits pertaining to the well-being of both our rooming situation and our friendship─who am I kidding, she doesn't have any not-so-good habits.]

You know you have the worst roommate when...

They steal your food.

Okay, so it's not exactly considered stealing if you've both agreed that you're willing to share. BUT, I'd be pretty disappointed to find that my whole bag of goldfish crackers disappeared overnight. Needless to say, Alli and I settled this condition right away─we're fine sharing. However, I should mention that Alli's usually the one who has all the good snacks on hand. [Point number one for my roommate.]

They invite their boyfriend over all the time.

WOW. WHO WOULD DO THAT. THAT WOULD BE ANNOYING. Okay, maybe I'm the one at fault here. But in my defense, I don't invite him over ALL the time. Alli's only had to take her studies to the lounge four or five times, tops.

They keep the lights on until 3am.

I'm telling you, it's a real blessing when you and your roommate have the same sleep schedule. [I am one of those individuals who feels blessed.] To my good pal who does stay up until 3am─thank your lucky stars that your roomie does too.

They take your clothes without asking.

Imagine with me how awkward it might be to walk to class and find your roommate wearing your jeans. Better yet, going to the gym to find them working out in your sweats. If you talk about it beforehand, that's one thing. But if no permission was given to take as you wish and please, it's probably not a good idea without first asking.

They don't talk to you.

If there's anything that makes me uncomfortable in this life, it is awkward silences. Ask anyone─my mom, my dad, my boyfriend, my friends, the random individual passing me on the sidewalk. I usually don't stop talking.

Alli told me awhile back that before move-in day she was a little worried. What would we talk about? But then we got to campus and I started talking, and she smiled to herself and thought well this makes things easy. And the rest is history.

They leave their clothes all over the floor.

If you leave your clothes all over the floor too, that's okay. That works for some people. That doesn't work for me, and thankfully, that doesn't work for Alli either. The floor is so spotless that even if one shoe has haphazardly been thrown to the floor, the whole room looks off balance. [Go ahead. Make your little side comments─we're neat freaks.]

They continuously snooze their alarm.

Why set an alarm if you're not even going to wake up? I can understand if you sleep in once or twice, but if you snooze the same alarm five times every day, you might consider setting the time back a few minutes for the sake of your roommate. [Once againAl-Pal, you're the best.]

They distract you when you're trying to study.

Confession time─I may or may not have, at one time or another in my past, distracted my roommate while she was studying. And she may or may not have also distracted me. Singing, laughing, talking, making odd noises, making animals sounds, etc. I'm pretty sure Alli could imitate any animal if you asked her to. I'm pretty sure she could even if you didn't ask her to. [I should mention that our brief distractions last an average of fifteen seconds.]

So there you have it! My brief overview of what it's like to have the worst roommate ever. [Disclaimer: This article was based off of false events.]

[Interested in reading more? Check out the Blog Archive to the right to find links to my other posts.]

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